Contact Details
West Bridgford Infant School
Avon Gardens George Road
West Bridgford
0115 974 7885
The school day for children is 9:00am - 3:30pm
The typical school week is 32.5 hours/week
The school office is staffed from 8:30am - 4:00pm Mon-Fri
Outside these hours staff can be contacted by leaving a message on our answering service or by email.
Paper copies of documents on our website are available to parents/carers free on request by contacting the school office.
For any queries about our school, please contact:
Our Wonderful Office Team - Mrs Clare Traquair & Miss Bethany Rudolph
Mr James Willis - Executive Headteacher
Mrs Gayle Cutts - Head of School, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mental Health Lead, SENCO
Mrs Claudine Pavier - Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
There is no designated car parking for our school. Please be aware that parking on the yellow zig-zags is not permitted.
Disabled access into school is via the ramp at the front entrance.